Powerful Church Mission Statement | How To Write One

Why You Need A Mission Statement 

Every ministry needs a mission statement. Without it, you cannot practically plan to achieve your purpose or measure your ministry’s effectiveness. 

Through the Great Commission in Matthew 28, You’ll learn three practical steps for creating a powerful mission statement. And tips to ensure you fulfill your God-given vision.

Define 3 Critical Actions For Your Mission Statement

18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.  19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,  20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.

Jesus is preparing to ascend to heaven. Before doing so, He leaves the apostles with three actions: make disciples of all nations, baptize them, and teach them His principles. 

All of these actions would ensure people across the globe would grow a personal relationship with God and live according to His ways.

For our ministries, we must identify the actions we need to fulfill our vision. Each step should bring people closer to God and teach them about His Kingdom.

Bold Actions For A Powerful Mission Statement

The vision for Wisdom In Christ is to help people grow a personal relationship with Jesus. 

Our actions to fulfill this include building a free online university, cultivating an online community, and adopting grade schools. 

The online university teaches people how to follow Jesus. Our online community connects believers and empowers their journeys in faith. 

Adopting a school will teach people how to serve children and guide others to Jesus.

Action Step

Write down the three actions you need to achieve your ministry vision.

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Free Mission Statement Workbook For Churches

Use our free resource to identify critical actions, set goals, and choose deadlines that help fulfill your ministry vision.

Add Tangible Goals To Measure Your Mission Statement

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 

With the Great Commission, Jesus desires that all nations receive the Gospel. 

This provides an end goal for the apostles to measure their progress and plan how to spread the Gospel.  

Setting goals for our actions helps us clarify our outcomes and plan to achieve them. We increase our chances of fulfilling specific goals.

Value In Numbers

The tangible goals for wisdom in Christ are to gain 1,000 active ministry members, 10,000 university members, and 3 grade schools. 

These numbers reflect that Wisdom In Christ is an effective ministry where people grow and serve others in Jesus.

Action Step

Write tangible numbers or goals for your actions. These numbers should be realistic and show the effectiveness of your ministry.

Set Intentional Deadlines To Achieve Those Goals

Teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.

Jesus tells the apostles that He will always be with them. This infers that their role and the great commission will last for a set period. And add a sense of urgency to their actions.

We must add deadlines to our ministry actions. This boundary motivates us to pursue and achieve our visions.

Ambitious Goals For An Ambitious Mission

The deadline for Wisdom In Christ is 2026. While this date seems ambitious, it ensures the ministry focuses on its goals. 

If the ministry fails, then new strategies can be evaluated and pursued.

Action Step

Set a deadline for your ministry goals. Set a date that will push you to achieve them.

Writing Your Mission Statement

You have everything needed to craft a powerful mission statement. Like other ministries, you can use this statement to create practical strategies to fulfill your ministry vision, measure your growth, and eliminate tasks or opportunities that hinder your progress.


  • Using the action steps above, create a mission statement for your ministry. The mission statement for Wisdom In Christ is to gain 1,000 active ministry members, 10,000 university members, and 3 grade schools by 2026.
  • Share your mission statement with your ministry.
  • Write down ideas and strategies to help you fulfill this mission.
  • Revisit your mission statement weekly to ensure you’re on track.