The World Needs Your Ministry

The World Needs Your Ministry

Your Ministry Is Needed

The world needs your ministry. The Lord needs you to carry out His vision for spreading the Gospel across the globe. The people He’s called you to serve, need your testimony and words to find freedom in Him.

You have this potential and the words that can change generations. Today, we’re going to explore this using the story of Gideon.

The Story Of Gideon

Israel has broken its covenant with God. Instead of serving Him faithfully, they turned away from Him to serve other gods and idols. Because of their actions, Israel no longer has the strength to stand against their enemies. And the Lord has allowed Midian to overpower His people and destroy their land.

Israel cries out to their God over Midian. In response, He sends a prophet to remind them of their covenant. And an angel to the land of Ophrah to raise their deliverer. 

The Angel finds Gideon desperately hiding from the Midianites as he tries beating wheat with a winepress to make food. Despite his situation, the angel looks beyond Gideon’s situation and addresses Him as God’s chosen warrior. 

Gideon immediately questions the Angel and states that if God was with them, why were they conquered by Midian? Why would the God that freed them from Israel suddenly abandon them when He was needed most?

Gideon also questions his identity. How could he, the weakest man in his family and tribe free an entire nation from an enemy that’s oppressed them for so long?

The Lord reassures Gideon that He is there and will empower Him to save his people. Gideon receives the message and confirms the Word of the Lord by making a sacrifice. The Lord accepts the offering and Gideon builds an altar to honor Him as the Lord of peace.

The Lord Gave You The Potential For Ministry

When the angel approached Gideon, he addressed him as a mighty man of valor. At that time Gideon was hiding from the Midanites while using a winepress to beat wheat and make food.

In a man that considered himself the least in his nation, the Lord saw a leader capable of freeing them.

As ministers and leaders in the Gospel, we have the same potential. We are filled with the Holy Spirit. We were created for good works. And we must realizes this.

God Has Given You His Vision

After God revealed Gideon’s potential, He gave him a vision for Israel. He would go from his place and free Israel from their oppression. 

Jesus gave His life for our sin and commissioned us to share the Good News with the world.

He wants everyone to come to Him and become children of God. And He has given us all unique ways of sharing His gospel. There are people out there that only you can reach. He’s sending you to get them.

He Will Guide You Along The Way

Although God told Gideon he would free Israel, he lead him through several assignments before fulfilling this task. These missions gave Gideon the confidence to trust in the Lord’s power and carry out his role on earth.

The Lord knows his world and us intimately. He can prepare, empower, and encourage us in ways the allow us to fulfill His vision. With our God going before us, we can ensure that everything will work according to His Word.

Change The World With Your Ministry

You can change the world. The Lord is with you and has equipped you with everything needed to impact lives globally. You must realize this and commit yourself to following Him and carrying out your purpose.