How To Overcome Discouragement In Ministry

Discouragement In Ministry

We all deal with discouragement in ministry. There are moments when no one watches our content or appears to grow closer to our God. As a result, we’re often discouraged and may desire to give up on our God-given vision.

The Discouragement Of Elijah

This was the case for Elijah. After defeating the prophets of Baal, Elijah found himself running for his life under the threat of Queen Jezebel. His journey led him to Mount Horeb where he expressed his feelings of failure and depression to the Lord. 

Elijah talked about his loneliness and how he believed he was the only person willing to follow God in Israel. 

In response, the Lord comforted Elijah and gave him the strategy to continue his ministry.

We Are Never Alone

Ministry can be discouraging. But we must remember that we’re never alone. Our God is a present help in times of trouble and will encourage us to move forward. 

Although no one appears to be growing from our work, they are. And someday, we’ll see the people and the vision God has given us transformed and fulfilled.

Until then, we must continue to do His work regardless of how everything around us may look.

Stay Encouraged!


There will be hard times in ministry.

God will give us the courage and strategy to continue His work.

We must continue working on the vision the Lord has given us.

Tips For Overcoming Discouragement

Whenever you’re discouraged, tell the Lord in prayer.

Read stories in the Bible that will encourage you to continue your ministry work.

Continue creating sermons, posting content, and empowering the people God has given you.

Connect with other ministry leaders and express your feelings and concerns.

How We Do This?

We post content on YouTube and Social media daily without worrying about the views or engagement we’ll receive. We also spend much time in prayer before planning and producing content for our audience.

Helpful Resources

Elijah Flees To Horeb

Faith In Action: Hebrews 11

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