Our Ministries Are A Reflection Of Our Lives

Our Ministry, Our Reflection

Our ministries are an reflection of us. They reflect our relationship with God and everything He’s allowed us to learn.

Our ministries are a collection of experiences and revelations discovered throughout our lives. Lastly, our ministries are a space for the people God has called us to empower. 

Sharing Our Hearts With Others

We should pour our hearts and feelings into every sermon, video, and action for our ministries. As we do this, we will connect deeper with our audiences and compel them to grow their faith in Jesus.

We see this example in our faith. The Bible contains many stories of people that lived and overcame their problems with God. We can find inspiration from their experiences and the courage to rely on the Lord in our everyday challenges. 

God can use our lives in the same manner. Through our stories, people can learn about Jesus and the incredible life He offers us all.

At Wisdom In Christ, we have applied this principle and have inspired hundreds of people to fulfill their God-given purpose. We know it will help you do the same.


Our ministries reflect our relationships with God.

Our ministries are spaces for the people God called us to empower.

We connect with our audiences by sharing our lives and stories in our content.

Putting Our Reflection In Action

Share stories about your life through live streams or social media posts.

Include personal stories in your sermons that relate to their purpose.

Share the ways you connect with God with your audience.

How We Do This?

Through our personal reflections series, we share thoughts and personal reflections about the Lord and various biblical stories. You can watch this series here.

Helpful Resources

How Stories Connect and Persuade Us

Unleash The Power Of Storytelling

Let’s Grow Your Online Ministry

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