Using Limited Resources To Grow Our Ministries

Working With Peanuts

We often have limited resources to grow our ministries. Although we desire great media equipment or large teams, we may not have them.

Freedom With A Staff

Moses faced a similar challenge. When God first commanded him to stand before Pharoah, the only resource Moses had was a staff. Despite his lack of eloquent words and military might, Moses led Israel out of Egypt and parted the Red Sea with the help of the Lord and his staff. 

Growing With Limited Resources

What our hero of faith lacked in resources, our God supplied in creativity. The Lord can do the same for us. If we learn to rely on Him and maximize our current tools to create content, we can empower the people we’re called to serve.

By doing this consistently, our ministries will grow. And someday, we’ll have the creativity and resources to draw more people to Jesus. 


Creativity is needed for us to thrive in our ministries.

We have to create valuable content to serve God’s people.

We must learn to maximize the current tools and equipment we have.

Maximizing Our Media Resources

Write down a list of tools and media equipment.

Search for online programs and guides that show us how to use our tools.

Use what we learn to grow our online ministries.

Maximizing Content Creation

Learn how to create videos that serve our audiences.

Learn how to market our ministries without using paid ads.

How Do We Do This?

We use several free and paid resources to grow our online ministry. These are available in the resource section below.

Helpful Resources

OBS Studio For Recording And Live Streaming

Canva For Video and Social Media Graphics

Descript For Video Editing

Google Workspace For Email, Meetings, And Storage

Grammarly For Grammar And Script Editing