Transformational Vision Statement | Writing A Powerful One For Your Church

The Power Of A Vision Statement

The Lord has given you a vision to build His church. Without clarifying this vision statement, you risk wasting time and opportunity empowering His people.

 In this lesson, you’ll learn how to write a vision statement that identifies God’s purpose for your ministry and the outcomes His people will experience.

Clarify Your God-Given Vision

So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt

The Lord appears to Moses regarding the situation in Egypt. His people have been oppressed for 400 years and He’s sending Moses to free them. This was the guiding purpose for Moses’ life as he delivered Israel and led them through the wilderness. 

Like Moses, the Lord gives us all a purpose for our ministry. We must first identify this purpose and pursue it diligently.

The Vision Behind Wisdom In Christ

Wisdom In Christ helps people grow their personal relationships with God. Grow Your Ministry teaches leaders how to reach and empower God’s people across the globe.

Action Step 1

Write down the purpose of your ministry. If unsure, ask the Lord for clarity.

vision statement workbook

Free Vision Statement Workbook For Churches​

Use free workbook to clarify your ministry purpose, audience and outcomes.

Define Your Audience For Your Vision Statement

The Lord said, “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering. 

During their encounter, the Lord tells Moses His concern for the people of Israel. He promised their forefather Abraham to be their God and make them a prosperous nation. As an Israelite, Moses is entitled to this promise and has to lead himself and his people through this journey.

The Lord has called us to serve a specific group of people. After identifying who they are, we can focus on reaching and serving them.

An Audience Of Relationship

Wisdom In Christ targets people between 25 and 40 who desire a personal relationship with Jesus. These individuals love God, cherish family, and want fulfilling lives. They dislike injustice, dishonesty, and complacency. 

An Audience Of Vision 

Grow Your Ministry focuses on ministry leaders between 30 and 50. These individuals are passionate about the Lord and desire to empower His people. Their biggest challenge is reaching and empowering God’s people.

Action Step 2

Describe the people God called you to serve. Be specific by including their age, gender, likes, dislikes, ethnicity, and challenges.

Add Outcomes To Your Vision Statement

So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey—the home of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites. 

After expressing His concern for Israel, the Lord declares to bring them to a land of prosperity. The 400-year timespan is over. And it’s time for Him to fulfill His promise through Moses.

Our ministries exist to bring transformation to others. By identifying the outcomes the Lord desires for His people, we can take action towards fulfilling them with Him.

From Learners To Leaders

Anyone who comes to Wisdom In Christ will learn how to grow a personal relationship with God and show others to do the same.

From Leaders To World Leaders

Grow Your Ministry will help leaders build ministries that reach and draw people across the globe to Jesus.

Action Step 3

Write down the outcomes people will receive from your ministry. Try your best to describe the person they will become.

Make Your Vision Statement Plain

God has given you the vision to build His Church. Clarifying it will help you reach, serve, and empower His people globally. 


  • Using the action steps, write down your church vision statement. This one-sentence statement should capture your purpose, audience, and outcomes. The vision for Wisdom In Christ is to help people grow a personal relationship with Jesus.
  • Share this vision with your ministry. 
  • Use this statement to write your mission statement, set goals, host events, create content, and form communities.

Helpful Resources