Building With God | Creating A Powerful Ministry

The Lord Wants To Build With Us

The Lord is calling us to build with Him. As we grow our ministries, we’re creating a place for the Lord’s spirit to rest and change the lives of others.

The Lord’s Temple

The same is true for Lord’s temple. At the end of David’s life, he gave Solomon a plan to build a temple for God. After spending several years working on the project, Solomon made a place where people could serve and experience the Lord’s presence.

Everything We Build Is For God

Solomon’s life shows us that everything we do in ministry is for our God. By creating content and programs aligned with His will, we can empower our audiences to grow their faith in Him. This faith will allow them to follow the Lord’s path for their lives and lead others to our ministries to do the same.


The Lord wants to build ministries with us.

Our end goal in ministry is to lead and teach others about our God.

We should align our content and programs with His purposes for our ministries.

Tips For Building With God

Ask for the Lord’s guidance with every sermon, program, and event we do.

Create ministry values based on God’s Word.

Teach others how to pray and worship the Lord.

Taking Action

Write a list of sermons, programs, and other content ministry content.

Write down the purpose for the content and ask the Lord for guidance in developing it.

Create the content as He leads.

Helpful Resources

Using Limited Resources To Grow Our Ministries

Our Ministries Reflect Our Lives

Create High-Value Video Content For Your Online Ministry

Let’s Grow Your Online Ministry

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