How To Build A Global Ministry

The Global Commission

We’re called as followers of Jesus to take the Gospel global with our ministries. Doing this allows us to teach people who Jesus is and how to receive the incredible life He offers.

Learning From The Past

In the Book of Acts, the apostles received the Holy Spirit and began sharing the Gospel throughout their world. Although they did this through physical travel, leaders like Peter and Paul wrote letters to equip and encourage their fellow believers.

Their efforts firmly established God’s church during the first century. And their writings continue to empower our church today.

Taking Our Ministries Global

Now we have greater access to the world than ever before. And we can continue to spread the Gospel through online communities, writing, and video content. 

With online communities, we can recreate our church experience online to offer bible studies and relationship-building events for others. 

Thanks to companies like Amazon, we can write and distribute faith-based books to hundreds of counties in multiple languages. 

Through video content, we can create online programs and messages that can empower the lives of our viewers.

We have so many opportunities to share the God we serve with people across the globe. And with these tools, we can do just that.


The Lord has called us to share the Gospel globally.

We can use online communities to recreate traditional church activities.

We can create and distribute writing and video content to hundreds of counties in multiple languages.

Tips To Build A Global Ministry

Record and upload weekly messages to YouTube and podcasting platforms.

Use community platforms like Discord, Facebook Groups, or Super Peers to host faith-building events and activities.

Host virtual Bible studies through Zoom or Google Meet.

Create blog articles of your weekly messages and post them on your website.

Write faith-based books and publish them on platforms like Amazon and Image Spark.

Develop and host online programs that teach people how to grow their faith.

Taking Action

Using the tips above, write topics and activities for your ministry.

With the list, create videos, blog articles, and virtual bible studies for your ministry.

Publish and promote this content through social media.

Helpful Resources

Jesus Gives The Great Commission

Notta: How to Host a Virtual Bible Study & Zoom Bible Study Group

Hubspot: How To Write A Blog Article

Amazon: Kindle Direct Publishing for Books and Ebooks

Tom Ross – Online Community Building Expert

Buzzsprout: How to Start a Podcast: Complete Step-by-Step Guide [2023]

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