Creating Content That Solve Our Ministry Needs

What Are Their Needs?

As we’re creating content for our ministries, we should always consider the needs of our audience. We should think about their lives and the struggles they’re enduring in their faith. From that place, we can create resources to help them overcome their obstacles.

Our God Fulfills Needs

When Pharoah released Israel from Egypt, the Lord led them around the desert towards the Red Sea. Although Israel could have traveled the shorter road through the Philistine country, the Lord knew this would discourage his people and lead them back to Egypt. The Lord considered and met their needs by performing one of the greatest miracles in history – parting the Red Sea.

Addressing The Problem

Although we cannot divide a sea, we can meet the needs of our audience. We should spend time with them and ask about their struggles and challenges. We can also ask the Lord in prayer about their situations and solutions to overcome them.

After that, we can create sermon series, social media posts, and other resources to solve their problem. Although this process takes time, it will allow us to empower the people God has given us to overcome their challenges and follow Him.


We should identify the needs of our audience.

We should always create content to serve our audiences’ needs.

The Lord can teach us how to meet the needs of His people.

Tips For Meeting Their Needs

Ask our audiences about their current challenges and situations.

Create a sermon series to cover the areas they struggle with.

Host discussions through Zoom or Google Meet to talk about their challenges.

Host a Bible study that provides our audiences with biblical solutions for their problems.

Taking Action

Seek the Lord in prayer about how to serve your audience.

Create a list of sermons, discussions, and events you can create to serve them.

Create the sermons and host the events for your audience.

Helpful Resources

Crossing The Red Sea

Becoming A Leader by Myles Munroe

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